Pro Tips: Healthy Eating In The Salon


On the list of things that we L-O-V-E about salon life, the struggle to eat well and stay healthy is not on the list. Honestly, it’s a time thing, right? Never fear, #HelloSalonPro is here with your Pro Tip: Eating Healthy in the Salon.
  1. Stay away from processed! It may be EASY to grab something from the vending machine but it’s just as EASY to fill a baggie with carrots and stick them in your purse.
  2. Meal planning isn’t lame! The best investment you can make in your health is a slow cooker. Saves your time AND your taste buds.
  3. Breakfast. The collective ‘they’ were not lying when they said breakfast is important… and no, not just the coffee! Make sure you’re eating protein in the morning to get you through the day!
  4. Carbo-load! Yes you still need carbs, but reach for the apple, not the chips next time.
  5. Fiber. Eating fiber (beans! nuts! grains!) lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
  6. Portion Control. So, you forgot to pack your lunch and have to eat out: Control your portions. More likely than not your meal comes with two servings. Split it up from the start and toss it in the fridge for tomorrow’s lunch.
  7. Pause. Obviously, the word ‘pause’ is a dirty word in the salon. But whether it’s in between bio breaks or before you pick up your next client, pause and mentally consult your energy level.
  8. Snack. One of the best snacks to eat on the go is string cheese! It’s high in protein with just a little bit of fat, and simply delicious. Ask a #Wisconsin stylists.
  9. Wasabi Peas! Seriously, look it up. #HelloSalonPro #ProTips

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