Green Circle Salons Announces the First Industry-Wide Carbon-Neutral Salon Certification


Now more than ever, it’s important for salons to make eco-conscious choices to help reduce our impact on the environment. After all, the North American salon industry is one of the largest contributors of waste, generating 421,206 pounds of waste (hair clippings, foils, and color tubes) into landfills and our oceans each day, according to Simply Organic Beauty. But, fortunately for us, organizations like Green Circle Salons, are pushing for more awareness of the carbon footprint that hair services actually create and leading the way towards an eco-friendly salon industry.

The beauty waste recovery service recently just announced the first industry-wide Carbon-Neutral Salon Certification in North America. This means that in addition to helping salons recover up to 95 percent of their salon waste through its programs, Green Circle Salons will now be offsetting the carbon emissions created by their member salons, including those that they cannot avoid generating in their day-to-day operations, to create true carbon neutrality.

Speaking about this new certification, Founder and CEO of Green Circle Salons, Shane Price shared, “We are thrilled to certify our networks of salons to offer carbon-neutral services.That means that when a guest visits a Green Circle Salons certified Salon to look beautiful, they can also feel great knowing their hair cut or hair color was performed in a carbon-neutral way without contributing to Global Warming! A true win-win for our industry, and for the planet.”

The announcement of Green Circle Salons’ carbon-neutral certification comes amid a recent research study by Modern Salon, which found that 88 percent of salon professionals think it’s important to work in a green and sustainable salon or barbershop. Furthermore, 60 percent of salon guests said they would consider changing salons if they knew all the waste from their visit would be recovered. 

Ultimately, by obtaining this new certification, salons will be able to prove to their guests and employees that they are sustainably responsible and are making a positive impact on the environment. Green Circle Salons member, Gene Juarez Salons and Spas know this first-hand. They were the first corporate salon group to be certified as carbon neutral.

“At Gene Juarez, we proudly hold sustainability as a core pillar of our corporate social responsibility efforts. Since 2015, we have been recovering and recycling our salon, spa, and beauty waste, and more recently, PPE waste with Green Circle Salons,”  says Jamie DeMarco, Vice President of Salon and Spa Operations for Gene Juarez Salons & Spas. “Through our ever-growing partnership with them, we are proud to offer carbon-neutral certified service at our salons, spas, and beauty schools. Green Circle Salons new Carbon-Neutral Salon Certification allows us to offset 1,718 tons of carbon emissions every year. Our guests can feel great knowing that their services are fully carbon-neutral and they are supporting a sustainable business.”

To learn more about Green Circle Salons’ carbon-neutral certification be sure to visit or follow @greencirclesalons on Instagram. 

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Camille Nzengung

Camille Nzengung is a Features Editor at The Tease, where she covers all things hair. You can find her writing about the best hair products, the coolest hair trends, and all the exciting new hair launches. Send her a pitch:

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