#MentalHealth101: Selena Gomez Launches New Campaign with Rare Beauty


When Selena Gomez launched Rare Beauty back in September, she showed fans that beauty brands can more than just that; they can also foster impactful conversations around important issues like mental health. And now, the singer/actress is making an even bigger impact.

Gomez took to Instagram on Thursday to announce a new campaign in partnership with Rare Beauty called Mental Health 101. The initiative aims to help provide more information about mental health in educational settings.

“This campaign is so close to my heart because of my own struggles with mental health. I know first-hand how scary and lonely it can feel to face anxiety and depression by yourself at a young age,” Gomez wrote. “If I had learned about my mental health earlier on—been taught about my condition in school the way I was taught about other subjects—my journey could have looked very different.”

In addition to advocating for more education, the campaign also empowers the community and encourages financial support to provide more mental health services in schools. “I hope that Mental Health 101 will be the stepping stones for others that I wish I had… to get connected to the resources they need, and to empower young people in ways that may not have been possible before.”

Mental Health 101 is part of the Rare Beauty’s Rare Impact, a program that raises funds to help serve suffering communities with mental health services. By donating to the Rare Impact Fund, you’re not only supporting a good cause, but you’re helping to destigmatize mental illness as well. 

The new campaign is calling on fans of Gomez and Rare to show support in three ways: by signing their petition asking the community to prioritize the cause, donating to the Rare Impact Fund (Rare Beauty will be matching donations up to $200,000!), or by sharing their campaign toolkit on social media and with fellow mental health advocates.

Even if it’s a simple post on Instagram, it’s important to show support of causes like these because as Gomez says, “the world needs to know that mental health matters” and we should all “acknowledge that, not just in words but through our actions.”

Click here to learn more about Mental Health 101. And be sure to follow Gomez on Instagram for more mental health advocacy.

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