Everything We Know About Mystery Beauty Brand BIDEN Beauty


Earlier this week, a mysterious new beauty brand called BIDEN Beauty popped up across social media platforms. With a goal of merging politics with the beauty industry, BIDEN Beauty is more than your average beauty brand. It aims to help Americans attain the “vote look” by offering different merch items for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Although the founder currently remains anonymous, the brand has garnered much attention across the internet.


In trying to add beauty back into politics, BIDEN Beauty is “pushing forward a message of diversity, inclusivity and agency within the beauty communities – and beyond.” Although the brand is not directly connected to the Biden-Harris 2020 campaign, it’s been revealed that it does have their blessing.

The Brand’s Mission

“BIDEN Beauty’s goal is to inspire [everyone from] Gen Z to Boomers to get out the vote. Inspired by Joe Biden’s own natural beauty, the brand hopes to show Americans that you are beautiful, powerful – and vital,” the site reads. “BIDEN Beauty hopes to spread the message that America is and always has been beautiful. But to maintain this message, America needs to vote, and vote blue.”

The Vote Look

One product the brand offers to encourage Americans to vote blue is the BIDEN Beat Makeup Sponge. With the goal of “beat[ing] your face [and] beat[ing] out Trump,” the blender comes in Democratic blue, is dual-sided and allows users to blend different makeup and skincare products. Furthermore, the sponge costs an appropriate $20.20 and “works best on November 3rd, 2020.”


In addition to the beauty blender, the brand also offers a Biden hoodie, an “America is Beautiful” tote bag and an assorted pack of Biden pins and stickers. More products will come as the election nears, and 100% of proceeds from BIDEN Beauty’s sales will go towards the Biden Victory Fund.


Click here to shop BIDEN Beauty. And be sure to visit vote.gov to check your registration status.

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