I Tried Dots For Spots On My Spots—Here’s My Thoughts


Acne patches have taken over the internet in the past few years and have become everyone’s number one skincare item. While everyone knows they want to grab some off the shelf, the question is: which brand? 

While there are many serious front runners in the market, I was able to try a brand of acne patches I had never heard of before, Dots for Spots. Dots for Spots are acne stickers that harness hydrocolloid technology to absorb impurities from acne. 

The dots come in packs of 24 or 60 dots. The packaging is adorable and I love their signature green color. But, packaging aside, what’s great is that the brand provides plenty of information on their website about how to use their dots as well as the technology that makes the product work for acne. And, their website even has a special touch that turns your cursor into their fun green dots design. 

With the help of my significant other, I was able to try out the dots on different types of acne including barely there zits, explosive white heads, and even a popped zit. The dots did a great job tof warding off those emerging zits as well as those that look like they would pop with a small touch. 

However, some spots may just be too far gone for the use of these dots. I accidentally popped a zit and put a dot over it for the night. When I woke up in the morning, my spot doubled in size. I ended up having to pop it again, but I was able to pop it more easily. One warning that I would give for the spots is do not put them over any hair that you may wish to keep on your face. When removing your dot, along with the impurities that if draws out, it may also pull some hair. 

Overall, how did I like the dots? Well, I think they are great for keeping you from picking your zits. And, they also work to take out the impurities on a majority of the zits I tried them on. 

If you are interested in trying out Dots for Spots yourself, be sure to visit dotsforspots.com.

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Madeline Hickey

Madeline Hickey is the Digital Media Producer for The Tease and Volume Up podcast. Beauty is the name of her game. Think you have the perfect guest for the podcast? Let her know: madeline@thetease.com

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