We are so excited to be back at the shows since Covid kept us from attending these events last year, live and in-person. While we weren’t exactly sure what to expect, we can without doubt say that energy fully matched the anticipation and excitement in the rooms.
This year, we were up close and personal at Premiere Orlando. Taking place from October 17-18th in Orlando, Florida, this beauty trade show featured the latest and greatest in hair and beauty. We’re talking tech, tools, runways, and training as far as the eyes could see. In case you missed out on all the action happening over on our Instagram story, we recapped our day below.
One of our favorite parts about this show (besides the obvious free samples) was that the attendees were a show in themselves. They understood the assignment.

Chi was demoing their latest tools with models for each. The CHI 1” Volcanic Lava Ceramic Pro Spin N Curl made the prettiest curls and waves.

Then we stopped by Sexy Hair to get our hands on some Love Oil, but we were too late! We were told hairstylists were buying them by the cases and there was none available for purchase. Good for them, but boo for us. We’ll have to buy ours online.

Next, we sauntered over to the STMNT demo going on to get a feel for how it helps the guys. Wished we grabbed a before and after, but I promise you he looked great after!
After that came the tech and we were *mind blown* by Clics who are changing the game in perfecting the color process for hairstylists. They showed us how the industry’s first digital hair color studio works. If you want to maximize your profit and time, I would check out their website. The app knows it all. There was even a place to remind you to get an after photo. And it weighed your bowl for precision accuracy.
Now for the nails—because it’s not just about the hair here! We saw fantasy and fun on the Premiere floor.

We stopped by LeChat to see the colors and even got a sample nails done. We loved the way the colors blended seamlessly for the ombre effect. Our nail tech’s nails were way cooler, so we snapped a pic of hers.

Jessie understood the assignment

We will definitely be back next year and already have our game plan.

Did we mention the weather was perfect!
If you weren’t able to make it out to this year’s show, we highly suggest making plans to attend the event when it returns next year. To stay updated on all future announcements, be sure to follow @premiere_orlando on Instagram.